Image of ISO 500 and 100th Anniversary of Turkey
Body Show at CW Enerji's Traditional Sales Points Meeting

CW Enerji, one of the solar panel manufacturers, hosted its sales points serving throughout Türkiye in Antalya.

The 4th of the ‘CW Enerji Traditional Sales Points Meeting’, organised within the framework of pandemic rules, was held between 12-14 November. On the first day of the meeting, the sales points visited the factory located in Antalya Organised Industrial Zone. Sales points had the opportunity to closely examine the production process and were informed in detail about the entire process from raw material input to the shipment of panels.
On the second day of the meeting, the sales points, who were informed about the construction phase of CW Enerji's innovative products, came together at Titanic Beach Lara Hotel. Here, the expert team within the CW Academy provided training to the sales points on various topics such as solar panel production processes, sector overview, CW Enerji R&D processes. In the meeting, future plans were also discussed together with the evaluation of 2021 and the targets for 2022.

We are going much further day by day

Speaking at the ‘CW Enerji Traditional Sales Points Meeting’, CW Enerji CEO Tarık Sarvan informed the sales points about the activities carried out by the company since its establishment.
Stating that they have realised many projects in Türkiye and abroad so far, Sarvan said, ‘We are going much further in our journey day by day. There are new additions to our family every day and we are proud of it. We closely follow the rapidly developing technology and carry out works that make a difference in our sector.’ Stating that they continue to work rapidly with a strong and expert staff, Sarvan noted that they will continue to produce new projects with an understanding that does not compromise on quality.

We will continue to grow together

Stating that they are a solar panel production company, CW Enerji General Manager Volkan Yılmaz said that sales points have a great share in this situation. Yılmaz stated that they have made the Sales Points Meeting a tradition within CW Enerji and said, ‘We have carried out many projects with our sales points so far. We are a big family. We will continue to grow hand in hand together.’ Yılmaz thanked all sales points for their successful performance and added that they will achieve much greater success by working together as they have done so far.

At the Sales Points Meeting, which was well attended this year as every year, training presentations were made by CW Enerji's expert staff in the fields of production, R&D, finance, insurance, OHS and e-commerce. In the presentations, which attracted considerable interest, detailed information about the sector was conveyed to the sales points.

Enthusiasm peaked at the gala dinner

On the other hand, the gala dinner, which was organised with the participation of all sales points after the trainings, witnessed moments full of enthusiasm.

At the gala dinner, where excitement was not missing even for a minute, plaques were awarded to the ‘sales point with the highest sales this year’ and ‘2nd group sales point with the highest sales this year’, while awards were presented for their success in categories such as ‘EPC - project sales’, ‘e - commerce sales’, ‘residential system sales’ and ‘irrigation system sales’.

At the night, awards and certificates were also given to the sales points that made the fastest return to the directions made in the customer tracking system, made the highest sales to the customers who were directed, and newly joined the CW Enerji family in 2021.


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