Image of ISO 500 and 100th Anniversary of Turkey
CW Enerji Meets with Sales Points at the 15th CW Academy MTS Workshop – 170th Training Session
  • CW Enerji brought together its sales points from across Turkey at the 15th CW Academy MTS Workshop – 170th Training Session. Participants had the opportunity to visit the CW Enerji factory, where they closely observed the production processes and received training on industry developments, gaining valuable insights into the sector.                                                       

As part of the 15th CW Academy MTS Workshop – 170th Training Session, CW Enerji brought together its sales points from across Turkey. During the workshop held in Antalya, participants visited the CW Enerji factory located in the Antalya Organized Industrial Zone. Here, sales representatives had the opportunity to closely observe the entire production process, from raw material intake to the shipment of solar panels, and were provided with detailed information on each stage.

The workshop continued with training sessions focused on industry dynamics, emerging technologies, and sales strategies. Throughout the two-day event, participants had the opportunity to closely follow sector developments and exchange experiences with fellow professionals.

Our sales points are an essential part of our big family.

Speaking at the 15th CW Academy MTS Workshop – 170th Training Session, CW Enerji Chairman of the Board, Tarık Sarvan, shared insights into the company's journey, projects, and accomplishments since its founding.

Highlighting the strong collaborations they’ve built with sales points over the years, Sarvan stated:

"Our sales points are not just business partners — they are an essential part of our big family. We see them as one of the most important pillars of the strong and growing CW Enerji family.

In this regard, the success of our partners is not merely a commercial achievement, but a reflection of one of CW Enerji’s core values: growing and evolving together. The dedication and effort our sales points show in the field significantly contribute to strengthening our brand and expanding the reach of our sustainable energy solutions.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every sales point for their role in this success."

We will continue our efforts to advance our industry even further.

Birlikte bugüne kadar birçok başarılı projeye imza attıklarını ifade eden Sarvan, satış noktaları ile birlikte güçlü bir yapı oluşturmayı hedeflediklerini kaydetti. Sarvan, “Satış noktalarımızın gelişimine katkı sunmak, karşılaşılan zorlukları birlikte çözmek ve rekabet gücünün artırılmasına destek olmak bizim en büyük önceliklerimiz arasında yer alıyor. Bu nedenle düzenlediğimiz eğitimler ve çalıştaylarla satış noktalarımızın sahadaki başarılarını artırmayı amaçlıyoruz. CW Enerji olarak her zaman sahada olan, gelişimi destekleyen ve ortak başarıyı esas alan anlayışa sahip olduk. Bu anlayış kapsamında 15. CW Akademi MTS Çalıştayı’nda bir araya gelmek, bilgi paylaşımında bulunmak ve geleceğe yönelik stratejiler geliştirmek bizler için büyük bir fırsat oldu. Bir araya gelerek bilgi paylaşımında bulunmak, sektörümüzü daha ileriye taşımak adına çalışmalarımıza devam edeceğiz. Bundan sonra da hep birlikte büyümeyi ve gelişmeyi sürdüreceğiz” diye konuştu.

Emphasizing the many successful projects accomplished together so far, Sarvan stated that they aim to build a strong and unified structure in collaboration with their sales network.

"Supporting the development of our sales points, overcoming challenges together, and strengthening their competitive advantage are among our top priorities. That’s why we organize training sessions and workshops to help enhance their performance in the field. At CW Enerji, we have always embraced an approach that is field-oriented, growth-driven, and focused on shared success. Coming together during the 15th CW Academy MTS Workshop provided us with a valuable opportunity to exchange knowledge and develop strategies for the future. We will continue our efforts to advance our industry, and we will keep growing and evolving together from here on out."

About CW Enerji

Founded in 2010, CW Enerji Mühendislik Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. is a manufacturing and service company operating in the photovoltaic energy production sector. With an annual solar panel production capacity of 1.8 GW, the company has established itself as one of the leading solar panel manufacturers in the industry, exporting to more than 60 countries worldwide.

CW Enerji is committed to being present in every aspect of sustainable energy and continues to maintain this vision. The company provides a wide range of commercial solutions, including technical and investment consultancy for solar power plants, project planning, system design, licensed and unlicensed plant installations, license acquisition, and plant operations. Additionally, it offers comprehensive project planning, financing, and technical maintenance and repair services in compliance with the unlicensed production regulations, adding significant value to the sector.

Beyond industrial installations, CW Enerji also provides solutions for residential rooftop installations. Its extensive product and service portfolio covers a variety of energy solutions, including lithium energy storage systems for residential and industrial use, on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid solar energy systems, electric vehicle charging stations, lithium battery solutions for golf carts, forklifts, pallet trucks, scooters, and e-bikes, next-generation TopCon N-Type solar panels, flexible solar panels, as well as residential and pool heat pumps. Through its innovative solutions, CW Enerji continues to lead the industry by delivering high-performance and sustainable energy technologies.


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