Image of ISO 500 and 100th Anniversary of Turkey
CW Enerji Hosted Sales Points Serving All Around Türkiye
  • CW Enerji, one of the solar panel manufacturers, hosted its sales points operating all around Turkey in Antalya. The sales points that came together at the 5th CW Enerji Traditional Sales Points Meeting had the chance to examine the production on site at the factory and also received training on various subjects. The sales points were also given their awards at the meeting that ended with a magnificent gala dinner.

CW Enerji, one of the solar panel manufacturers, held its Traditional Sales Points Meeting. The company, which hosted its sales points operating all around Turkey in Antalya, provided an unforgettable night to its sales points with a magnificent gala night.

On the first day of the event held between November 11-13, the sales points visited the factory located in the Antalya Organized Industrial Zone. The sales points had the opportunity to closely examine the production process here and were informed in detail about the entire process starting from the raw material input to the shipment of the panels. The sales points were given a tour of the R&D and P&D Center. Information was provided about newly developed products. The sales points, who had the chance to see the entire process closely, learned about the production phase of the products.

On the second day of the meeting, the sales points, who came together in a five-star hotel in Antalya, were given training by CW Energy's expert staff on various topics such as solar panel production processes, an overview of the sector, newly developed products, CW Energy R&D and P&D processes. The meeting also discussed the evaluation of 2022 and the targets for 2023, and opinions were exchanged about future plans.

We are moving much further each day

Speaking at the 'CW Energy Traditional Sales Points Meeting', CW Energy CEO Tarık Sarvan provided information to the sales points about the work the company has carried out since its establishment.

Stating that they have implemented many projects in Turkey and abroad to date, Sarvan said, “We are moving much further each day on our journey. There are new additions to our family every day, and we are proud of this. We follow the rapidly developing technology closely and undertake works that make a difference in our sector. We are much stronger together. We will continue our work for a productive Turkey,” he said.

We will continue to grow together

CW Energy CEO Volkan Yılmaz, who stated that they are a solar panel manufacturing company, said that sales points have a big share in this situation. Yılmaz stated that they have made the Sales Points Meeting a tradition within CW Energy and said, “We have signed many projects together with sales points to date. As a local and national Turkish brand, we have become the preferred leading company in our country. Our colleagues and sales points have great contributions to our success. We are a big family and we will continue to grow hand in hand.” Yılmaz thanked all sales points for their successful performance and added that they will achieve much greater success by working together from now on, as they have done so far.

As in every year, the Sales Points Meeting saw a high level of participation, and CW Energy’s expert staff provided training presentations to the participants on topics such as Sector History, R&D Products, Solar Panel Production, Production Line, Incentives and Supports in the Solar Power Plant Sector, OHS, Financial Solutions, Advantages of Being a Sales Point, On-Grid and Off-Grid Inverters, Agricultural Irrigation Systems, Vehicle Charging Stations and Regulations, B2B System, E-Commerce and Insurance Systems. In the presentations, which attracted a great deal of interest, the sales points were provided with detailed information about the sector.

Enthusiasm peaked at the gala dinner

On the other hand, the magnificent gala dinner, which was held with the participation of all sales points, was full of enthusiastic moments. At the gala night, where the beloved name of folk songs, Elif Buse Doğan, took the stage, plaques were given to the 'best selling point this year' and '2nd group selling points with the highest sales this year', and awards were presented for their success in categories such as 'EPC - project sales', 'e - commerce sales', 'residential system sales', 'irrigation system sales'.

In addition, awards and certificates were given to the sales points that responded fastest to the referrals made in the customer tracking system, made the highest sales to the referred customers and newly joined the CW Energy family in 2022.


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