Image of ISO 500 and 100th Anniversary of Turkey
CW Academy in Antalya OSB Teknopark

Thirteen companies, which will establish their own R&D buildings in Antalya Organised Industrial Zone Technology Development Zone, were included in Antalya Organised Industrial Zone Technopark with a ceremony.

Within the borders of Antalya Organised Industrial Zone, 27 acres of the 52-acre area declared as a Technology Development Zone were reserved by the Antalya Organised Industrial Zone Technopark management for companies wishing to carry out their R&D activities in the facilities they will establish. The Antalya Organised Industrial Zone Technopark management, which meticulously evaluated the applications of companies wishing to invest in these areas, approved the projects of 13 companies. A Company Acceptance Ceremony was held at the Administrative Service Building of Antalya Organised Industrial Zone Directorate for 13 companies whose projects were approved. At the ceremony, contracts were signed one by one with the officials of 13 companies that will establish their own R&D buildings in the Technology Development Zone.

Tarık Sarvan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CW Akademi Eğitim Araştırma ve Geliştirme A.Ş., said in his short speech at the ceremony, ‘We will take place in Antalya Organised Industrial Zone Technopark with our CW Academy formation. We aim to produce efficient products for both our nation and our country with our R&D studies. We are making every investment we will make for Türkiye, and we want to leave good technological works to our future generations’ and expressed the importance they attach to R&D studies.


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