Image of ISO 500 and 100th Anniversary of Turkey
Companies Face the Sun with CW Enerji
  • CW Enerji contributed to a company's orientation towards the use of renewable and clean energy by utilising the unlimited energy source, the sun. The company completed the installation of a solar power plant on the roof of a factory operating in Balıkesir.

CW Enerji completed the installation of a 12,326.81kWp solar power plant (SPP) on the roof of a company operating in Balıkesir. With the solar power plant, the company will prevent emissions of approximately 6,459,865 kg carbon dioxide equivalent per year and save 975 trees.
Stating that the interest in solar power plants in our country is increasing day by day, CW Enerji CEO Volkan Yılmaz said that they are very happy to contribute to this situation with each SPP they have implemented. Stating that they continue to develop the latest technologies in their sector, Yılmaz said, ‘Solar energy, which does not cause environmental problems, does not threaten the lives of living things, is clean, reliable and most importantly sustainable, is of great importance for the future of mankind. For this reason, the use of solar energy against fossil fuels is increasing day by day. We now see solar panels in many places such as houses, factories, workplaces, industrial sites, hospitals, hotels, shopping centres. This is a very good development for our country.’

Long-term, permanent and economic solution

Stating that solar energy provides long-term, permanent and economic solutions, Yılmaz noted that solar energy in Türkiye stands out with its high potential, ease of use, renewable and environmentally friendly features. Yılmaz said, ‘Our country is located in a lucky geographical position in terms of solar energy. We are very lucky compared to many countries in this regard. For this reason, we can benefit much more from the sun, a clean energy source for a cleaner environment and tomorrow.’
Pointing out that as CW Enerji, they contribute to leaving a cleaner world to future generations with every solar power plant they complete the installation of, Yılmaz noted that they cooperated with a company operating in Balıkesir in this context and completed the installation of a 7015.24 kWp solar power plant on the roof of the company. Yılmaz added that with this cooperation, the company will prevent the emission of 3,685,526 kg carbon dioxide equivalent per year and save 556 trees.


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