Image of ISO 500 and 100th Anniversary of Turkey
3.8 Million Dollar Agreement between CW Enerji and Komagene
  • CW Enerji, Türkiye's No. 1 franchise brand, Komagene (the leading company in terms of branch numbers according to Economist Magazine's Franchise Leaders Survey), and Yörpaş AŞ, a subsidiary of Yörpaş AŞ, have signed a $3.8 million land-based solar power plant installation agreement. The project is scheduled for completion in the last quarter of 2024.

CW Enerji continues to secure new agreements. As part of its latest deal, CW Enerji will partner with Yörpaş AŞ, the parent company of Komagene, to install a land-based solar power plant.

CW Enerji CEO Volkan Yılmaz expressed his satisfaction with the signing of yet another significant agreement. He commented, "We’ve reached an important agreement with Komagene. According to this contract, CW Enerji and Yörpaş AŞ, the company behind the Komagene brand, will install a land-based solar power plant. We signed a contract worth $3,766,000, excluding VAT. With this solar power plant, Komagene will meet a significant portion of its energy needs from solar energy, a sustainable source. May this agreement bring benefits to both companies."

Yılmaz also mentioned that they are proud and pleased to be part of such a meaningful project and stated that the project is planned for completion by the last quarter of 2024.

A Major Efficiency Boost for Companies

Yılmaz highlighted that each new agreement contributes to achieving Turkey's green energy goals. "Turkey’s solar energy potential is crucial for energy independence. Our goal is to contribute to the country's economy through our work. We continue to execute projects across Turkey and promote the power of solar energy to companies as part of our sustainable growth approach."

He further emphasized that solar energy represents a significant efficiency factor for companies, noting that solar power plants help reduce companies' energy costs while minimizing their environmental impact.

We Will Continue to Deliver Gains to the Sector

Yılmaz continued, "Solar power plants not only save energy but also significantly reduce the carbon footprint. We will keep contributing to a clean and sustainable environment with our advanced solar panel technologies. With our expert team, we dedicate our energy and efforts to supporting the national economy, and we take pride in this. As CW Enerji, we will continue to make substantial contributions to the country's economy and employment by harnessing the unlimited potential of solar energy to create an ecological, sustainable, and greener world. Our value-added products will keep delivering gains to the sector."

We Will Meet a Significant Part of Our Energy Needs from the Sun

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Komagene Chairman Mevlüt Ceyhun Tekdemir stated, "It is our collective duty to fulfill our responsibilities toward the environment and future generations. With this investment, we will meet a significant part of our energy needs from the sun. As much as possible, we should all transition to renewable energy sources together."


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