CW Energy has installed a solar power plant (GES) in the glass greenhouse of Varnet, which is the only company in our country that produces glass greenhouses for soilless agriculture. With the 10 kW self-consumption solar power plant installed on the glass greenhouse, the energy of the greenhouse is provided from the sun. The energy of the glass greenhouses, which are built with aluminum alloy that can be completely recycled, is aimed at minimum carbon footprint in nature.

With the 10 kW SPP installation, the electricity of an average of 87 households per year can be met with renewable energy, and an average of 11.63 tons of CO2, 35 kg of SO2 and 13 kg of NOx gas emissions per year can be reduced. It is planned to produce an average of 50.85 kWp per day, and an average of 18562.25 kWp per year at the 10 kW solar power plant.


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